This is the Year that...
This is the year that my mom dies. I mean, most likely. I’m not hurrying it along but I am aware that it is, realistically, a thing that will occur. It is early January of 2022. She entered hospice care in November of 2021 meaning the medical community thinks that she has less than six months to live. That’s why they let you into hospice. For me hospice means that she has a few extra pairs of eyes on her with the mandate of keeping her comfortable. And it means that I can start thinking about her death in a very real and concrete way. I want to trust the hospice nurses when they tell me that she isn’t in pain and even though I’ve asked them to come on board for their professional opinion, I find I have a hard time believing them. I think it is because I personally am in pain a lot of the time right now. I’m 51. My hips hurt and my back hurts and sometimes my knees hurt and when I’m in pain, I am not always wi...