11 years old
My son Alex is 11 years old. He has no friends. He has never had any friends. Well, he has his older brother, and his older brother’s friends have often been kind and sometimes even inclusive when they were all young enough to still have some reasonably overlapping interests and abilities. But as the developmental age gaps widened mercilessly. And we had to leave our home in NYC, which meant losing proximity to our tribe- who had embraced and included Alex from the time of his infancy. And so, Alex is left behind. Alex is left out. Alex is left alone. With me. His only friend. And in a lot of ways, I don’t count. Because I’m a 45 year old woman. And because I’m his mother. And I’m simply not a satisfactory sole playmate for any child. Ask any 11 year old, and they will tell you that this is true. My son Alex is 11 years old. He has down syndrome. He has no friends. I do not believe that he has no friends simply because he h...